Religious TV channel Word Network fined £150,000 over claim miracle water product can cure cancer, says Ofcom
An instructional video told viewers to order the water "then place your hands on your bills, legal papers, credit cards and loved ones", according to the broadcasting watchdog.
The episodes in May 2023 promoted a 'Miracle Spring Water' product and implied it could "improve serious health conditions or financial situations", according to Ofcom.
Blimey, this is even worse than charlatans who claim they can, in an apparently mystical sense, lay their hands on the UK economy and create economic growth by the miracle of 'turbocharging'.
Fortunately we may be fairly confident that Ed Miliband isn't relying on "Miracle Spring Water" to turbocharge our energy supplies. Ed has put his faith in... er... Greta?
I only have minor, as opposed to serious, health conditions. But I was also told by people in a religious setting (the NHS) that if I followed some simple rituals (go home and wait for the letter) then I would be cured in due course.
But nothing has happened. I feel I might have been scammed. Do I contact Ofcom? Or maybe they could send me some of that water to try.
Sorry, but Ed Millibacon has shown he is a fervent believer in unicorn farts and fairy dust.
Compared to the nation wrecking potential of those lunacies, flogging water on the Internet is ok.
At least the water has some utility, you can drink it when you want.
Sounds as though some of these people need to take more whisky with their water!
I've some snake oil to sell you if you're interested, AKH ... just leave the cash in sealed tub, third cistern along, men's washroom and I'll leave the snake oil there two days later.
Ever since Covid obliged me to read up on vaccines I have stopped taking the flu jab. So there's one minor health risk off my list.
Sam - Mrs H is awaiting something not dissimilar, a GP communication about some mystical codes needed to make the online system show more than a blank screen after logging in to check prescription status. No mystical codes so far.
Anon - yes, Ed Millibacon has done vastly more damage at a cost which makes the water scam completely insignificant. We don't have to buy the water, but we do have to buy the ridiculously expensive electricity.
Scrobs - a sound suggestion, they should follow it.
James - but what if someone flushes the snake oil away first? Does that create a magical sewage works?
dearieme - I've stopped taking the flu jab too - doesn't work.
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