
Friday, 21 March 2025

Whisper it softly

Forest of Dean step closer to getting biosphere status like Canary Islands and Hawaii

The Gloucestershire district may soon join the 759 UNESCO biosphere reserves across the world

Climate emergency cabinet member Chris McFarling (G, St Briavels) who put forward the proposals said it was “has been an eight year project”. And that the biosphere status would be a celebration of the Forest of Dean district’s exceptional environment.

It's a perennially rum game this climate emergency lark. If we're all doomed by the unstoppable heat of runaway climate change, then something as fragile as the Forest of Dean biosphere is doomed too. 

Unless - and whisper it softly - nobody believes a word of it.

Including Ed.


Vatsmith said...

It's good to see the Climate Emergency minister protecting some of England's last remaining coal mines.

Sam Vega said...

What's special about it? I spent time there about 5 years ago. It's certainly a pleasant chunk of rural England, and there's a lot of history there. It's one of those places (like West Penwith, the Cotswolds, and Pembroke) where the natives make much of their "uniqueness". But few tree-ferns, humming birds or komodo dragons around Lydney.

A K Haart said...

Vatsmith - good point, I hadn't thought of that.

Sam - we haven't been there for decades, but that's how I recall it - a pleasant chunk of rural England. Eventually there will be nowhere that isn't "special".

Tammly said...

As someone sick of their faux green pronouncements, I might take up my right (I qualify by birth in the Forest), to start coal mining there, just to get up their noses.

dearieme said...

"Forest of Dean step closer to getting ... status like ... Hawaii"

So it'll be subject to a violent American takeover?

Sobers said...

"It's one of those places (like West Penwith, the Cotswolds, and Pembroke) where the natives make much of their "uniqueness".

A lot of inbreeding goes on in the Forest of Dean. I wonder if that local traditional activity will also be one to be preserved?

'OK Mr Smith, you've got to shack up with your sister, UNESCO says so'.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - give it a go, you could sell it as Retro Fuel - Nature's Gift.

dearieme - and a military base plus high-rise hotels.

A K Haart said...

Sobers - and what UNESCO says, UNESCO probably does - somewhere.

Doonhamer said...

In what way are they spherical?
Even the Eden project only admits to having hemispheric domes.
Unless some wit at UNESCO is slyly letting it slip that it is all a load of ba......, spherical objects.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - it must include all the special worms, moles, mites, nematodes and so on... no you are right, it's a load of spherical objects.