
Thursday, 20 March 2025

Oh dear, how sad, never mind

Greenpeace ordered to pay more than €600 million to oil company over US pipeline protests

Environmental group Greenpeace must pay more than $660 million (€606 million) in damages for defamation and other claims brought by a pipeline company in connection with protests against the Dakota Access oil pipeline’s construction in North Dakota, a jury found on Wednesday (19 March).

Dallas-based Energy Transfer and subsidiary Dakota Access had accused Netherlands-based Greenpeace International, Greenpeace USA and funding arm Greenpeace Fund Inc. of defamation, trespass, nuisance, civil conspiracy and other acts.

Greenpeace USA was found liable for all counts, while the others were found liable for some. The damages, which total nearly $666.9 million (€613 million), will be spread out across the three entities.

Greenpeace plans to appeal of course and there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth, but at this rate, normal folk will be running out of popcorn. 

Is popcorn environmentally friendly? No matter, coffee and extra dark chocolate will have to do here in sunny Derbyshire.


Peter MacFarlane said...

It would take a heart of stone etc etc

Sam Vega said...

“The fight against Big Oil is not over today," Greenpeace International General Counsel Kristin Casper said. "We know that the law and the truth are on our side.”

That's just brilliant! The law is so on their side, it's just made them pay 660 million dollars to the people they were protesting against.

Anonymous said...

So pleased to read that. Great news.

A K Haart said...

Peter - yes it's tiny violin time.

Sam - and truth is on their side apart from the law saying it isn't.

Anon - it is great news.

Tammly said...

I don't have much regard for the 'Law' but can they give the WWF a good suing?

A K Haart said...

Tammly - that would be good to see, and about time.