
Sunday, 23 March 2025

The right thing to do.

Rachel Reeves defends accepting free Sabrina Carpenter concert tickets

The Chancellor today defended the fact she accepted free tickets to see pop star Sabrina Carpenter live.

Rachel Reeves claimed she took the freebie because it was “the right thing to do from a security perspective”.

By gum she's rum. The right thing to do was to turn down the offer of freebies. Any notion that accepting them was "the right thing to do" is outstandingly preposterous, even by the preposterous standards of Rachel from Accounts. 

Ensuring her public utterances at least make sense would be the right thing to do. A fairly basic accomplishment for Chancellors I reckon, making sense.


dearieme said...

In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed.

I abhor the taste of the twerps: people in middle age trailing off to bloody pop concerts. I'd mind less if they were blagging tickets to Salzburg or the French Quarter of Noo Awlins.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I feel the same way, pop concerts are one of the things middle-aged people should have left behind long ago, especially Ministers of a supposedly developed country.

Sam Vega said...

In this country, one either does the right thing, or one does the far right thing.

A K Haart said...

Sam - that's right, far right is as right as right can be.

DiscoveredJoys said...

From the BBC,1999:
"Prime Minister Tony Blair has said that the reasons for committing British servicemen and women to air strikes against Yugoslavia are "crystal clear".

In an address to the nation, the prime minister appealed to the whole country to back the action, saying "barbarity cannot be allowed to defeat justice".

"It's simply the right thing to do," he said."

From air strikes to freebies in 25 years. The question in my mind is whether Blair was infected by socialist authoritarianism or whether he became the infectious vector.

Bucko said...

I've never heard of 'pop star' Sabrina Carpenter

A K Haart said...

DJ - I think he became the infectious vector, the standard for what Labour can achieve by airy mendacity, low cunning and pandering to whatever is worth pandering to.

Bucko - I hadn't either, until this ticket affair. I don't think I'm likely to become a fan.

Tammly said...

Yes, they don't seem to have very sophisticated tastes do they?

A K Haart said...

Tammly - I agree, near enough infantile from what I've gleaned, although I haven't delved into it very far.