Labour axes one quango – after creating 27
Sir Keir Starmer has announced plans to scrap one quango – after the Labour Government he heads created 27 in eight months.
The Prime Minister said he would “abolish” the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR), which looks after payment systems such as Mastercard, to reduce the burdens on business and promote growth.
It will, however, merely be merged into another quango, the Financial Conduct Authority.
Ah, so he hasn't scrapped it, merely merged it. I didn't know there was a Payment Systems Regulator looking after payment systems such as Mastercard. A chap is bound to wonder what 'looking after' means here. Hmm...
I hope 'looking after' isn't anything like Rachel from Accounts 'looking after' our taxes...
Or David Lammy 'looking after' Chagos...
Or Yvette Cooper 'looking after' the immigration debacle...
Or Bridget Phillipson 'looking after' private education...
Or Angela Rayner 'looking after' housing policy...
Or Ed Miliband 'looking after' UK energy...
Or Lord Alli 'looking after' the Starmer wardrobe.
1 comment:
The Wikipedia entry for 'Commissar' throws up some thought provoking comparisons.
Creating QUANGOs to provide patronage for the minions who 'look after' the bureaucratic details for you. But patronage is not so easy to withdraw... My guess is that people within the current Payment Systems Regulator will not lose their jobs within the Financial Conduct Authority. But the 'authority' of the Financial Conduct Authority may be increased....
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