
Friday, 21 March 2025

The hours just float away

Two days ago I managed to damage the middle finger of my left hand while chopping wood. Somehow I managed to crush it with a big log. It's heavily bruised, inclined to bleed around the nail and an X-ray this morning showed a fracture at the end of my finger.

Not too serious and I'm right-handed anyway, but these things absorb so much time. I've had good local hospital treatment, but NHS time is different, the hours just float away.


Sam Vega said...

I hope it recovers soon, AKH.

For goodness sake don't tell them how you did it - you'll get a visit from the Net Zero Police. Tell them you were manhandling your heavy heat pump into position.

Scrobs. said...

Ouch! Incredibly painful too! Take it easy for a while - I nearly passed out when doing something similar...

Bucko said...

Think positive. If it's all swolen, all the better to flip the bird with

Anonymous said...

Commiserations, dear sir … typing finger too! How can we help in the meantime?

DiscoveredJoys said...

It's reading all those "Please treat our staff with respect" notices that make the time drag.

A K Haart said...

Sam - good idea, I'll also say the heat pump wasn't to blame in any way, just in case.

Scrobs - it was very painful, but a bit of stamping around trying not to swear helped.

Bucko - the nurse mentioned that too, don't know what it says about nurses though.

Anon - thanks, just put up with very slowly typed posts for a while.

DJ - yes, it's all a bit obsessive really.

Tammly said...

Oh honestly AK! You should have been wearing rigger gloves (available from all builders merchants and garden centres), like I do.

dearieme said...

I still have a little scar as a reminder of the stitches I had put into a finger after whacking it with a mallet during my New Jersey employment decades ago. The American clinic was interesting. The nurses were fascinated at the interest I took as they sowed it up: they coo'd about how brave I was. I concluded that much of the local population must have been members of the more excitable races - more Mediterranean than Nordic.

johnd said...

I .broke my index finger and severed the tendon on my right hand ( and I am right handed) when it was pulled through a mooring ring as I was tying up my boat. My first feeling was of relief that I had not done any further damage and the rest of the hand was intact. The local hospital sorted me out but the amusing part was that just as the surgeon was about to slice into my finger to stitch it all back together after the local anaesthetic had taken hold, he realised I had not signed the consent form and I had to do it with a frozen finger unable to grip the pen properly. He did a beautiful job though, 11 stitches and only the faintest scar.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - I was wearing rigger gloves, it would have been worse without them - it was a hefty wallop.

dearieme - maybe they saw you as a stranger from a mysteriously untheatrical world.

John - that sounds awkward, it's my index finger and thumb which still allow me to do most things fairly easily, that and being right-handed when the injured finger is on my left. I'd be struggling with an injury like yours.