Norman Fenton has a very interesting TCW piece on his experience with the BBC and climate change zealots.
How I was used by the BBC’s climate change zealots
THE man-made climate change scam is in the news again because of the developments in the case of Professor Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann versus Mark Steyn. Although last year Mann ‘won’ his ludicrous 12-year defamation case against Steyn for calling out Mann’s hockey stick nonsense, the case exposed Mann for the pompous academic lowlife he is.
In the last few weeks the judge reduced the damages awarded from $1million to $5,000, ordered Mann to pay massive legal costs, and has now sanctioned Mann for lies presented in his evidence. The climate change hysteria and its authoritarian net zero agenda preceded Mann’s flawed hockey stick ‘research’, but Mann’s work and influence have been a major factor in accelerating the UN/WEF Agenda 2030 of ‘you’ll own nothing and be happy’ while being cold, unable to travel and dining on bugs.
The net zero agenda is the most dangerous threat to our future freedom and sovereignty, so the more the work of ‘climate scientists’ like Mann can be exposed for the garbage that it is, the greater chance we have of stopping the descent into madness.
And that brings me to the reason for this article, as maybe I can now provide further evidence of the extent of the scam and the role mainstream media (and even myself unwittingly) played in it.
Far from being an unfamiliar issue, but the whole piece is well worth reading as an interesting personal story of becoming entangled in a media culture of gross zealotry, bias and misinformation.
The statistical arguments mentioned here could probably run on for ever. But someone clearly doesn't want them to run in the wrong direction, as the BBC got him to sign a non-disclosure agreement before taking part. You have to ask yourself why any impartial search for the truth would include that.
Sam - yes, again it's behaviour giving the game away. It's a political project, never intended to be impartial. There was a time in the dim and distant when this was admitted here and there, a UN project to get the developed world off hydrocarbon fuels, shaft free enterprise and allow the rest of the world to catch up.
Probably much more confused than that because it now looks like the dregs of a political project which got out of hand with racketeering and far too many people actually believing the climate narrative to be true, even to the extent of teaching it in schools.
Seems well written, AKH … going to steal part of it.
James - it is well written, worth stealing bits.
It seems that nowadays, all discussions on any topic, are political, but not a free, straightforward exchange of ideas, rather a chance for duplicity, set ups and smears. It probably always existed in human affairs, but is now practised habitually.
Tammly - I agree, it has become habitual. Probably a malign influence of our connected world.
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