
Sunday, 23 March 2025

Numbers Game

Rachel Reeves to cut 10,000 civil service jobs in effort to lower government costs

Rachel Reeves has promised the UK’s economy and living standards will improve, as she pledged to cut running costs of government by 15% and civil service jobs by 10,000.

She said she was “not satisfied with the numbers that we see at the moment”, telling Sky News: “It’s not possible within just a few months to reverse more than a decade of economic stagnation, but we are making the changes necessary to get Britain building again, to bring money into the economy.”

A cut of 10,000 civil service jobs is substantially less than natural annual turnover, so effectively it's a freeze on recruitment for a few months. I remember those. 

Will anyone notice? Probably not, it's a political number, not an item of useful information, as even Rachel from Accounts must know. 

The number employed by the civil service is now 34% higher than its minimum in 2016, and only 3% less than its most recent peak in 2005.


James Higham said...

Inspired by DOGE or profligacy? Pet o/s projects perhaps?

decnine said...

15% reduction by the end of the decade? She really isn't trying, is she?

Sam Vega said...

Public service productivity has flatlined over the past few decades. They are about as efficient as a local plumbing firm who don't have a website, don't subscribe to check-a-trade, can't be contacted by email or text or WhatsApp, only deal in cash and cheques, and haven't heard of electronic pipe detection.

Even if they cut their costs, they are not going to offer a better service.

dearieme said...

If only civil servants laid eggs or provided milk or wool.

Then epidemiologists would insist they be culled, massively and instantly.

A K Haart said...

James - inspired by survival at the moment I think.

decnine - that's right, she isn't even trying to convince anyone.

Sam - I agree, it's worth a post because we see lots of evidence for it, particularly in IT systems which aren't sorted and don't interact.

dearieme - ha ha, if only. Civil servant eggs would be much smaller than promised, absurdly expensive and years past their sell by date as soon as they were laid.

Doonhamer said...

decnine. I disagree. She is very trying.
It would seem that any "member" of our Government would attend the opening of an envelope if it was free, with expenses.

Bucko said...

2016 Can't possibly be the minimum for public service employment? Thet's got be a between two dates, surely, not going back to the beginning of the civil service

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - ha ha, that made me chuckle - especially a brown envelope.

Bucko - they don't want to go back too far as the civil service managed with fewer people and they don't want to start that discussion.

Anonymous said...

Senior, or middle, management nearing retirement will no doubt see this full as an ideal opportunity to apply for voluntary redundancy, retiring early with a pension and lump sum. Shirley, Rachel from Accounts will have already realised this, won't she, or is she still humming some forgotten tune of Sabrina Carpenter's?

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - in my experience, this is just what will happen, it's more of an opportunity than a cull.