Climate change ‘can teach schoolchildren about race’
Climate change can be used to teach children about race, a national curriculum review has been told.
Global warming should be used to allow teachers and pupils to “explore conversations about race”, according to the Runnymede Trust.
As we have known for many years, there is something we could call "institutionally obsessive" where a non-commercial institution pursues its purported aims in an obsessive manner. It has to be obsessive to ensure that those aims never become obsolete as a matter of institutional survival.
This has become so prevalent among large charities and charitable trusts that the situation should be reviewed externally, otherwise we appear to be stuck with this kind of absurdly unhelpful nonsense and corrupted education.
This has become so prevalent among large charities and charitable trusts that the situation should be reviewed externally, otherwise we appear to be stuck with this kind of absurdly unhelpful nonsense and corrupted education.
If the political pendulum is to swing back, then it will have to swing back good and hard, but there are far better directions for charitable sentiment.
I've said so before, but when I went to school in the 60s, children held the views of their teachers in contempt and derision. What changed?
Warble gloaming is all about race and the deathjab is it not? I ask merely for clarification.
"Some white people took all our stuff, burnt it, and made the weather go mad!"
Tammly - I suspect not much has changed. Teachers can teach this stuff and kids may repeat it for exams, but whether they go along with it away from school is not so clear, possibly not.
James - and anything else really, it's universal.
Sam - ha ha, that's about it.
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