New invention brings virtual reality to your mouth
Scientists have invented a device that allows people to taste different flavours while in virtual reality environments.
The e-Taste device, developed by a team from Ohio State University, delivers a combination of the five basic taste sensations – sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami – in order to replicate the experience of tasting something.
A prototype of the e-Taste, which takes the form of a small cube attached to a plastic strip, has already been successfully tested on humans.
The cube contains electric sensors capable of recognising food objects in a VR environment, which it then reproduces by releasing food-grade chemicals through the plastic strip.
An interesting development as we rumble on to a virtual world where nothing is real.
Couple this with a new wonder-drug that produces "feelings of fullness", and the government will have passed another milestone on its way to a perfect society. Huge tower blocks full of people hooked up to virtual reality who don't even need to open the door for a pizza delivery.
Sam - and those 60p school breakfasts become a possibility.
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