
Friday, 14 March 2025

Harman on diverse opinions

Labour MPs and officials briefing against work and pensions secretary should 'shut up', Baroness Harman says

The government is set to announce "radical welfare reforms" next week as it faces major concerns from Labour MPs.

Labour MPs and officials briefing against work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall should "shut up", Harriet Harman has said.

The following reflection of an English parliamentarian of long experience doubtless applies to these opinions, fixed beforehand, and rendered unalterable by electioneering necessities:

"During the fifty years that I have sat at Westminster, I have listened to thousands of speeches; but few of them have changed my opinion, not one of them has changed my vote."

Gustave Le Bon - The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (1895)


DiscoveredJoys said...

Herding cats might be easier. I don't believe comments from Harman help (perhaps there is a hidden agenda?).


Is there a pedophile angle on this? Wouldn't be surprised.

Anonymous said...

I used to have a Boss like her. We used to say that his motto was, "I have made up my mind; please do not confuse me with facts".

A K Haart said...

DJ - we may have reached a stage where we want it to be more like herding cats to introduce alternative viewpoints, even Labour ones.

Anon1 - I don't know how she survived that politically, but here she is, still on the stage.

Anon2 - fortunately for me, I didn't, but I had to deal with people like that elsewhere.

Sam Vega said...

If a privately-educated Baroness, daughter of a barrister and a privately practising doctor tells you to "shut up", we can only imaging what Angela Rayner is saying.

A K Haart said...

Sam - probably quite a bit worse that her usual "shurrup yer scummy Tory traitor."