"NATURE (the art whereby God hath made and governs the world) is by the art of man, as in many other things, so in this also imitated, that it can make an artificial animal. For seeing life is but a motion of limbs, the beginning whereof is in some principal part within, why may we not say that all automata (engines that move themselves by springs and wheels as doth a watch) have an artificial life? For what is the heart, but a spring; and the nerves, but so many strings; and the joints, but so many wheels, giving motion to the whole body, such as was intended by the Artificer? Art goes yet further, imitating that rational and most excellent work of Nature, man. For by art is created that great LEVIATHAN called a COMMONWEALTH, or STATE"
You could make an argument that whether or not Starmer is a robot or is mildly autistic etc. it is his nature as a mildly disinterested person to rise to the top of the Labour Party. Unfortunately this 'floating above' mindset hides the roiling mess of contradictory zealots beneath him.
He's not the only 'leader' to show such a hands-off approach... but the quirky ones soon get replaced.
Sam - "For what is the heart, but a spring; and the nerves, but so many strings; and the joints, but so many wheels, giving motion to the whole body,"
If only Starmerbot designers had increased the number of strings, joints and wheels relating to facial movements, the illusion of life could have been considerably more realistic.
DJ - Starmer also seems to 'float above' himself in that he seems inadequately aware of what politicians do and what he set out to do as a politician. As if he has never understood what politicians do in an interpersonal sense.
"NATURE (the art whereby God hath made and governs the world) is by the art of man, as in many other things, so in this also imitated, that it can make an artificial animal. For seeing life is but a motion of limbs, the beginning whereof is in some principal part within, why may we not say that all automata (engines that move themselves by springs and wheels as doth a watch) have an artificial life? For what is the heart, but a spring; and the nerves, but so many strings; and the joints, but so many wheels, giving motion to the whole body, such as was intended by the Artificer? Art goes yet further, imitating that rational and most excellent work of Nature, man. For by art is created that great LEVIATHAN called a COMMONWEALTH, or STATE"
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
You could make an argument that whether or not Starmer is a robot or is mildly autistic etc. it is his nature as a mildly disinterested person to rise to the top of the Labour Party. Unfortunately this 'floating above' mindset hides the roiling mess of contradictory zealots beneath him.
He's not the only 'leader' to show such a hands-off approach... but the quirky ones soon get replaced.
Sam - "For what is the heart, but a spring; and the nerves, but so many strings; and the joints, but so many wheels, giving motion to the whole body,"
If only Starmerbot designers had increased the number of strings, joints and wheels relating to facial movements, the illusion of life could have been considerably more realistic.
DJ - Starmer also seems to 'float above' himself in that he seems inadequately aware of what politicians do and what he set out to do as a politician. As if he has never understood what politicians do in an interpersonal sense.
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