
Tuesday, 11 March 2025

By gum this is gross

Children call for MPs to act on climate justice

Young climate justice campaigners from around the UK have shared their message with MPs at an art exhibition in Parliament.

Schools up and down the country have been getting Creative for Climate Justice – an initiative which helps young people raise their voices in a call for a fairer and greener future for all.

The scheme is a partnership between CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam GB, Send My Friend to School; and the Royal Society of Literature, with support from The Climate Coalition.

The finest childlike faces have this consecrating power, and make us shudder anew at all the grossness and basely-wrought griefs of the world, lest they should enter here and defile.

George Eliot - Daniel Deronda (1876)


Tammly said...

They are all followers of that giant intellect, the Goblin of Doom.

DiscoveredJoys said...

That's CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam GB, Send My Friend to School, and the Royal Society of Literature off my Christmas Card list and out of any legacy in my will.

James Higham said...

The Goblin of Doom ... yes.

Sam Vega said...

Tammly's right, and they "follow" Thunberg in the sense that they are given the same lines by the same adults, and then put on the stage. Children are an effective ideological weapon because it is hard to argue with them or tell them to get lost without looking as if you are hard-hearted.

A K Haart said...

Tammly and James - once the climate nonsense is over, that would make a fine title for a child's story book - The Goblin of Doom.

DJ - they are off my list too, although I've never heard of Send My Friend to School, but it sounds so sanctimonious that I'd avoid it anyway.

Sam - although it's entirely familiar behaviour by adults, it surprises me that they still do it, apparently with an untroubled conscience. The internet ought to have sowed a few seeds of doubt, but apparently not.

johnd said...

There is one consolation for us oldies, at least when reality really takes hold, it will be the kids who bear the brunt of it as we will all be dead.

A K Haart said...

John - they won't thank us for it though.

Bucko said...

I despise people who use children for political means

Doonhamer said...

We need a DOGE to find out and tell us how and who in Government "gives" these charidees our money so that the parliamentary pervs can watch young children performing.

A K Haart said...

Bucko - so do I, it's disgusting.

Doonhamer - we do need a DOGE, our UK scandals may not be as big financially as the US, but I bet they are plenty of them and I bet some are very sleazy indeed.