Empty promises: N. Korean schools force students to bring their own cement despite state ‘support’
Even teachers scoff at "school support month"—just empty talk while repair costs are passed directly to students and parents, according to a source
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has promoted educational activities as the “No. 1 affair of state” and emphasized state support, but the burden of supporting schools still falls entirely on students and parents, Daily NK has learned.
An elementary school in Tongnim county recently required students to bring sand or cement to renovate the school before the new semester begins in April. Students were tasked with providing materials to fix deteriorated floors that emit dust.
Motorists in the UK are expected to keep a bucket of tarmac and a heater in their cars to mend potholes they encounter.
I hear that in some local authority areas, householders will be required to sort their own rubbish.
Talking of Young People note this: "You can join the Army from 16 years old and will be a Junior Soldier until you can join as a regular Soldier at 18 years old. If you join as a Junior Soldier you'll start your Army Career at the Army Foundation College, Harrogate."
Happily this means that Sir Greased Piglet can send his boy to the army, to set an example to us all of noblesse oblige.
I bet they wouldn't dare remove VAT exemptions from private schools, though. I takes a real socialist to do that.
DJ - ha ha, sarcastic but Ed might go for it.
Tammly - not that different is it?
dearieme - excellent idea, Sir Greased Piglet should be delighted with it. Victoria Sponge might not be keen though.
Sam - good point, only socialists well to the left of Kim would do that.
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