
Thursday 18 July 2024

Unpopulist snake oil

Undo last government's climate policy rollbacks to lower people's bills, top advisers say

Reinstating former PM Rishi Sunak's cancelled schemes will lower bills, the Climate Change Committee said in its largely critical review of the UK's climate action. But despite the UK being off track on many key measures, the top officials were hopeful about the future...

Energy secretary Ed Miliband said: "The good news is that this report confirms that a clean energy future is the best way to make Britain energy independent, cut bills, create good jobs, and tackle the climate crisis."

Good grief, it's a bit grim to be bombarded with yet more evidence that the previous miserably useless government was less miserably useless than this one.

Good grief...


DiscoveredJoys said...

Any politician that utters the words "The good news is..." is almost certainly trying to direct attention away from the bad news, and quite possibly promoting disinformation.

Sam Vega said...

Someone persuaded Rishi to take his foot off the accelerator, and now some bystanders are urging Starmer to stamp on it again.

When you are narrowly focused on the accelerator and the foot, I guess it's easy to lose sight of other factors, like direction of travel, cliff edges, and the like.

James Higham said...

Good grief, AKH ... good grief!

A K Haart said...

DJ - yes, it's such a giveaway they should avoid it. Maybe Miliband knows believers think in those terms anyway. "Sorry kids, Santa died in our chimney, but the good news is..."

Sam - they really seem to think things will work out okay and even Labour voters won't notice the problems when they become even more personal.

James - it's a sign, I'm losing the will to think.