
Saturday 13 July 2024

Joe and Names

Biden’s supporters boo press after he accuses reporters of ‘hammering me’

Joe Biden supporters booed journalists at one of the president’s rallies after he accused reporters of “hammering me” for making “a lot of mistakes”.

Speaking in Detroit on Friday evening, Mr Biden addressed reporting of his gaffes on the world stage at the Nato conference, where he introduced Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin”.

Mr Biden acknowledged he had been panned by critics in the media, but suggested that the same scrutiny had not been applied to his Republican rival, Donald Trump.

Referring to Biden's supporters in the plural is a bit of a stretch. Jill plus claque presumably.

Yet even Joe's "supporters" are bound to wonder if he should just steer clear of names altogether. We don't want to hear him going on about Donald Putin, Vladimir Xi or President Obama.


dearieme said...

I still hope he'll refer to himself as "Brandon".

Sam Vega said...

OK, OK, so I'm, er, what's the word...ah yeah, senile. But that other guy, he's even worse than me. I'm not sure who he is, and some of them out there are good guys, but he's a bad guy. I guess.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - that would be a delicious finale to his presidency.

Sam - I guess so, yeah that other guy who isn't here... there's a reason for that you all know it as well as I don't...

DiscoveredJoys said...

Talking with Mrs DiscoveredJoys I said that the Democrats seem to have painted themselves into a corner. Any way out means sticky feet and obvious errors. The only real debate is who gets blamed.

A K Haart said...

DJ - it does raise questions about their foresight. Assuming they were aiming for two terms, Biden was obviously the wrong candidate to begin with.