
Tuesday 23 July 2024

A headline and a fact

Rwanda scheme ‘most shocking waste of taxpayer money ever’, says Cooper

In 2023/24, UK government raised around £1,095 billion (£1.1 trillion) in receipts – income from taxes and other sources.

There is of course no connection between the headline and the fact, Labour will ensure that none of that £1.1 trillion leaks away into worthless projects and undeserving pockets and Ms Cooper isn't lying about the long, dreary and predictable history of government waste. 


Bucko said...

I reckon out of that 1.1 trillion, they could spend about ten billion on essentail stuff, and let us keep the rest.

The Jannie said...

She hasn't heard about HS2, then?

Doonhamer said...

"Hold my beer!" says the Bacon Butty Boker.

James Higham said...

Yet another jawdropping total lack of concern about our money.

A K Haart said...

Bucko - a huge number of people would have to find a proper job though. It's like the old joke about asking directions - "I wouldn't start from here."

Jannie - she probably counts that as a success, like windmills, EVs and the envy of the world NHS.

Doonhamer - yes he's trouble, a fanatic who shouldn't be there.

James - yes they are determined to extract more and not a trivial amount.

Sam Vega said...

I don't know if it's true, but I heard that the numbers of illegal would-be migrants on the other side of the Channel is increasing because nice Sir Keir has scrapped the scheme. So maybe Rwanda was working, or at least about to work. But everything becomes a waste of money if you stop doing it and do the reverse. We'll see about Net Zero quite soon, I suspect. And, depending on the levels of public resistance, we'll probably see whether mass immigration was money well spent, too.

Bucko said...

"a huge number of people would have to find a proper job though"

Fine by me

dearieme said...

‘most shocking waste of taxpayer money ever' says the shrew who witnessed HMG's response to Covid and probably voted for it too.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I think Rwanda was a smart idea in that it could have created a significant disincentive for illegal migration. Maybe it was beginning to work, but Sir Keir clearly doesn't want that to become apparent.

Bucko - the irony is that many could find working life more rewarding once the shock subsides.

dearieme - yes, a dishonest two-faced shrew who will never be anything else.

Doonhamer said...

It would have been cheaper to buy up every spare dinghy, boat, inflatable mattress etc. even at inflated prices in northern France. See covid PPE.
Or find out the going rate for bribes along the same coast and bid more.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - or sabotage the railway lines so people can't get to the coast...