
Wednesday 17 July 2024

Change two letters

Labour urged to build new town for up to 350,000 people - and thinktank says where it should go

There hasn't been a new town built in England for more than 50 years, but could that be about to change?..

So where are the new homes going to go? According to a thinktank, there's one obvious place that makes sense.

Tempsford New Town, as the authors call it in their report, would sit at the intersection of the East Coast Main Line (which connects London to Edinburgh) and the planned East-West Rail line (which will re-establish a rail link between Cambridge and Oxford).

Tempsford sounds about right, but change two letters to Tentsford and we may be even closer to the direction of current trends.



I think it should go somewhere between Dorking and Guildford, along A25, or between Sevenoaks and Westerham.

dearieme said...

I saw a claim recently that the Oxford-Cambridge line was in the "don't close" category in the Beeching report. Barbara Castle closed it anyway. Does anyone happen to know?

DiscoveredJoys said...

Unless, of course, it is a secret plan to provide another Poundbury to provide refuge for the well-orf to retreat to as Cambridge and (especially) Oxford reap the benefits of their policies and descend into some lefty dominated regime.

James Higham said...

Last sentence - quite agree.

Sam Vega said...

I thought that it was "temps" as in "temporary jobs".

Macheath said...

From what I remember of visiting family in the area, much of it is on the floodplain of the Great Ouse or in the surrounding areas of water-retaining clay - certainly, squelchy childhood walks and waterlogged wellies come instantly to mind; your Tentsford would essentially be Glastonbury without the music (or the myriad overpaid BBC employees).

A K Haart said...

Anon - suits me, the further from Derbyshire the better.

dearieme - I don't know, although she did close a lot.

DJ - that's a possibility, a huge gated community with the gate operated by digital ID.

James - it's an age thing, but after mowing the lawn in the sunshine I had to look up the last sentence (:

Sam - so did I and I bet people will say that if they are unwise enough to stick with the name.

A K Haart said...

Macheath - interesting, sounds as if houses built on stilts would be a good idea. Grow your own rice could be a selling point.

dearieme said...

If we want to avoid drainage problems we should re-use old Iron Age hill forts. That happened in post-Roman Britain so why not do it again for post-Britons Britain?

A K Haart said...

dearieme - also useful to repel the people from TV Licencing and anyone selling door to door.