
Friday 26 July 2024

That didn't take long

Labour shelves free speech law protecting universities from cancel culture

The Education Secretary is poised to scrap free speech laws designed to protect academics from being cancelled.

Bridget Phillipson said on Friday she would “stop further commencement” of the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023, just days before the new free speech tsar’s powers were due to come into force.

Under the Act, universities, colleges and student unions in England would have a legal duty to promote free speech.

A high priority we may assume. At the moment we may assume it openly, I'm not so sure about the future.


Sam Vega said...

Phillipson has defended the move by saying that the free speech legislation risks harming students through exposing them to hate speech.

Well, yes, there are some young people who cannot tolerate hearing views which are contrary to their own, and just as with peanut allergies we need to do something to protect them. I suggest they don't go to university, and get jobs on building sites instead. Goodness knows, we'll be needing a lot more builders if we are to build 1.5 million new homes and the infrastructure they require.

I'm also wondering whether Labour are also signalling to the youngsters that they are being looked after. "You remember that trendy A level lecturer who said all that exciting stuff about immigrants, gays, and trans people? Well, Keir's sort of like his head of department. He wears a suit, but he's on your side".

DiscoveredJoys said...

The iron fist inside the chain mail glove is quickly revealed.

Labour are a Utopian party, and nothing is more important than marching through society to that goal. Hence dissenting voices must not be permitted for fear of delaying the glorious day when all will be equal (very, very, briefly).

A K Haart said...

Sam - it's so transparent that there is an entertaining aspect. It also looks weak, pandering to immaturity which isn't a good idea when trying to present an image notably stronger than the previous lot. Interesting times.

DJ - yes they are Utopian. It begins to feel old-fashioned in our digital age where people can find things out for themselves. Although the prattle about their opponents being on the wrong side of history, these is a sense that they are clinging on to obsolete certainties in an uncertain world.