
Wednesday 3 July 2024

Trust the Experts

Many thanks for all the anniversary congratulations - we're just about to whizz off. As I look out through the window before I crank up the jalopy and wait for the sat nav to warm up, I can't help noticing how grey, wet and cold it is outside.

Not entirely what we were led to expect by the climate experts, but we shouldn't confuse weather with climate. Trust the experts - only they know how to confuse weather with climate - plus journalists, politicians, celebrities, activists, the BBC...

...I'm not supposed to be doing this, I'm supposed to be packing the car.


Bucko said...

Have a good one. Don't forget your waterproofs

Sam Vega said...

I hope you get climate rather than weather for your holiday, and remember in the car that "air con" can have two meanings.

James Higham said...


Don’t do anything I w… no, never mind. :)

Scrobs. said...

Congratulations on your 50th Wedding Anniversary!

And enjoy your holiday too!

Mac said...

A K Haart,
Congratulations on your anniversary to your good lady and yourself.
Enjoy the seaside and, if it's still a thing, a nice big candy floss to share with the seagulls.

Doonhamer said...

Bong voyaj.
Monsieur Hulot's holiday springs to mind.

A K Haart said...

Bucko - we never forget our waterproofs. Don't trust the weather forecast is the rule, even though they can predict the climate over the next 30 years.

Sam - thanks, weather forecast is okay, not as good as climate but we can't have everything.

James - thanks (:

Scrobs - thanks, long memories are weird, we now remember things our grandkids are taught as history.

Mac - thanks, over the years we've already shared a bacon sandwich and a cake with the seagulls, that's enough I hope.

Doonhamer - thanks, I've already seen Monsieur Hulot causing havoc at hotel reception this morning.