
Saturday 20 July 2024

Minding your own business

Labour's Emily Thornberry reveals she's running for top parliament role - and why election was 'worst ever'

The senior Labour MP tells Sky's Beth Rigby she was "sad" and "disappointed" not to get a role in Sir Keir Starmer's cabinet - but that she will run for chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee....

She continued: "I think the worst one I had was eight people jumped out at me with masks on and cameras and it's very hard to deal with that when you're just knocking on doors and minding your own business."

Surely the whole point of being an MP is to be minding the business of everyone else, minding it all the time, without a break, nose to the grindstone and so on. That's why a few voters pay attention to how it's done and who aims to do it. 

Oh well, maybe as  chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee she'll have some rewarding and enlightening clashes with David Lammy as they discuss ways in which people overseas mind our business too.


James Higham said...

“point of being an MP is to be minding the business of everyone else”

Emily has that skillset in abundance. Never mind, she can sew England flags in her spare time.

Sam Vega said...

Maybe those people with the masks and cameras were the Foreign Affairs committee members trying to surprise her.

She's spoilt it now

dearieme said...

I've learnt to refer to her as Lady Fivebellies but have forgotten who taught me.

A K Haart said...

James - I'm not sure she knows what an England flag looks like. Thinks it might be blue with a circle of stars.

Sam - it does sound like a Foreign Affairs committee jape. If she joins them it will be a bag of flour over her office door.

dearieme - maybe it was Paul Gascoigne's pal Jimmy 'Five Bellies'.