
Saturday 20 July 2024

Standing back from it all


Last month Mrs H took this photo of a blogger standing by Cromford canal, mainly because of the reflections in the water. We'd set off on a short walk, much of it along a hillside path which is often slippery, hence the boots and walking pole.

Cromford canal is a historic structure and this section is maintained as an attractive amenity which changes with the mood of the seasons, but it is still a canal. 

However, the point of the post is to highlight a contrast between the enduring beauties of the natural world and the stale, seedy mendacity of political rhetoric. Sometimes we have to stand back from it all - otherwise we'll end up as crazy as they are.


Sam Vega said...

That almost looks like one of those trick photographs, with you standing next to a shiny vertical sheet of glass or plastic bordering the path.

It's important to get out into nature, and take exercise. It's supposed to help us with maintaining good mental health, and something tells me we will all be needing a little extra help in that department.

dearieme said...

The last time I was in a setting like that I saw a mink.

A K Haart said...

Sam - even the real thing was quite striking, the light and water being just right for the effect. A duck comes along, ripples the water and it is no more.

We like to get out every day for that reason, it's healthy in a number of ways.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I've never knowingly seen a mink. The Derwent nearby is supposed to have otters but we've never seen one. One day maybe.

Woodsy42 said...

The older I get, the more important I find it to keep in touch with and appreciate the natural world. Whether it's the sights and complexity of nature or the timelessness of man's influences, from stone age forts to old canals, doesn't really matter, it's a different perspective, away from the mess, distortions and stupidity of the world.

dearieme said...

I don't remember ever seeing a river otter. We did see a sea otter once on a beach in the NW Highlands.

A K Haart said...

Woodsy - that's how I look at it, make time to get away from it, even if it's only an hour reading in the garden.

dearieme - a hobbyist wildlife photographer once told us that it is necessary to be very patient if we want to see the more elusive animals. Find a very quiet, likely spot and settle down out of sight, if necessary for hours.