
Friday 12 July 2024

Four Headlines

June 8th
Out of luck: the bleak economic outlook that Starmer would face

June 26th
Forget the ‘worst economic inheritance since the war’ – Labour could get very lucky indeed

July 5th
UK election-winner Starmer inherits weak economy with 'no magic wand'

July 11th
Why Starmer might be about to inherit an economic boom


dearieme said...

Since all economic forecasts are rubbish - or, at least, best treated as rubbish - why should I be surprised?

Hell's bells, the Bank of England has been making much less accurate inflation forecast than I have for the last few years, and I'm only doing to check that our household budget will survive the blows.

Sam Vega said...

The economy did probably improve a bit, because Starmer and Hunt pulled out all the stops in the last few months before the election. But only by a tiny bit, because they were pretty incompetent. And whatever legacy Starmer gets, increasing your energy costs, supporting a pointless war, and throwing money at stuff to stay popular are all good ways of wasting it.

DiscoveredJoys said...

If you can write an article using wishful thinking you will never run out of subject matter.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I bet nobody is surprised, including the bods who write the stuff. Media outfits probably pay for it as an alternative to horoscopes, but with AI on the horizon they probably don't intend to keep on paying.

Sam - Starmer may be relying more on Blair style narrative management than worthwhile economic performance. He and his closest cronies may see narratives as more controllable than the economy. Shout about the peaks and ignore the troughs.

DJ - and if you can move over to AI it's probably cheaper too.