
Wednesday 31 July 2024

The brick wall moves closer

Renewable energy budget increased to over £1.5bn as record funding allocated for clean power

The UK’s renewable energy budget has been increased to a record £1.5 billion, Ed Miliband announced on Wednesday.

Energy bills will rise and net zero savings ‘will take time’, Miliband admits

Energy bills will rise this autumn, Ed Miliband has warned, admitting that savings from the Government’s net zero plans “will take time”.

The brick wall moves closer, Ed Miliband attracts many headlines and enthusiasm for his climate zealotry is less than muted. As for headlines praising his scientific and technical competence, we are into hen's teeth territory there. 

Ed's own description of his heavily-veiled assortment of abilities has been 'super-nerd' and that has been taken up with some degree of headline enthusiasm. Maybe Ed's personal brick wall has moved closer too.  

Ed Miliband claims he is a 'super-nerd' on climate issues

Climate change threatens the natural world more than ground-mounted solar panels do, Ed Miliband has claimed.


DiscoveredJoys said...

Politicians love kicking the can down the road and calling it progress. But the set of Net Zero Cans make plenty of noise but achieve, well, zero. Plus the Net Zero Road is actually a cul-de-sac and the Net Zero Cans cannot be kicked indefinitely - at some point they will bounce back. Politicians will then have to do something - probably blame the rest of us for spoiling their games.

Sam Vega said...

Miliband talking this stuff up is like watching an incompetent tyro magician claiming that he can do some spectacular trick. Or a drunk repeatedly telling you that he's got this absolutely hilarious joke that's going to be the most insanely funny think you ever heard.

Along with all the money wasted and the frozen pensioners, this is actually going to be acutely embarrassing...

microdave said...

"Maybe Ed's personal brick wall has moved closer too"

And I would be perfectly happy to drive into it, If I could be certain he was right behind it...

dearieme said...

Is he an Ed-case? Seriously, is the chap mentally disturbed?

A K Haart said...

DJ - yes, we'll be blamed. There is already a hint that we are to be blamed for not buying enough heat pumps and EVs.

Sam - it is going to be acutely embarrassing and it's mildly surprising that even Starmer's rabble don't see it coming.

Dave - it's almost a public duty.

dearieme - I'd say there is something wrong with him. The guy is 54 years old, he ought to have outgrown this absurd level of ideological certainty. Although some have said it's surprising how stupid MPs can be

Doonhamer said...

Bacon will be banned. Because pigs, and people who successfully eat bacon sarnies fart a lot.
Each fart increases the average global temperature by a pico degree Farenheit. 300 years in the future.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - and people who take photos of people who unsuccessfully eat bacon sarnies will be banned too, because taking photos increases the average global temperature by a pico degree Miligrade.