
Saturday 13 July 2024

Popularity Plunge

Paris 2024 Olympics: France's sports minister swims in River Seine amid pollution concerns ahead of Games

Amelie Oudea Castera took the plunge in Paris, where she was joined by Paralympic triathlon champion Alexis Hanquinquant...

Ms Hidalgo initially planned to swim in the Seine last month - prompting an online campaign by her critics threatening to defecate in the river on the day of her dip.

It's not something I ever thought of doing before taking a river water sample - first make sure nobody is crapping in it. 


decnine said...

Oh come on. Fish crap in water every time.

A K Haart said...

decnine - surely not when the Mayor is in with them?

Sam Vega said...

It says in the article that she would do it with Macron, so it would hardly make a difference if people did crap in it.

dearieme said...

We used to joke that our local river was pure water plus essence of dead sheep. It didn't stop us swimming in it summer after summer.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes there are worse hazards than a few water bugs.

dearieme - we didn't live near enough to water deep enough for a swim, although my father spoke of swimming in the canal with no ill effects.

dearieme said...

A couple of years ago I showed my daughter a photo in The Times of our swimming spot. She said "You really had a Famous Five childhood".

A K Haart said...

dearieme - we regularly see young kids being introduced to canoeing on Cromford canal. In spite of all the health and safety precautions they obviously love it.