
Thursday 11 July 2024



Ed Miliband just made blunder that'll cost UK billions and trigger tsunami of legal claims

The Labour Party is pushing through its manifesto commitment to ban new drilling for oil and gas in the North Sea in a move that will delight party activists and should horrify the rest of us.

It will drive up domestic energy bills and leave us totally exposed to the next energy shock. Even Labour-backing unions are up in arms at the move.

Worse, it will do absolutely nothing to slow climate change, because the UK will be just as dependent on fossil fuels as before. The only difference is that we will have to source even more from overseas.

Not that it's likely to make much difference. Nobody is likely to invest in new drilling until the loons and charlatans have left the stage and that seems to be extremely unlikely. More gesture than blunder, but politically significant.


Woodsy42 said...

I'm seeing reports backing away from Millipede's plan, along the line of 'no official decision'. Hopefully they were simply flying a kite to test the water, although I have no doubt Labour will cost us all a lot of money appeasing the greens.

A K Haart said...

Woodsy - in the end that's probably how it will be dealt with. Roll back quietly and try to make out they were always pragmatists not green loons. As you say though, Labour will already have cost us a lot of money.

Sam Vega said...

"The UK already imports three quarters of its oil and gas. That's why we were hit harder than almost any other country when energy prices rocketed after Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine."

Yes, that's very telling. Despite going loopy over Vlad and soppy over Ukrainian refugees, people still seemed to want to get to work and heat their homes, I recall.

The longer this charade continues, the harsher will be the reaction when it ends.

A K Haart said...

Sam - very harsh indeed I hope. Not quite the Roman approach of decimation for those responsible... although...

Bucko said...

The only positive thing from getting a Labour government was the fact that they would openly tell us all who they are and what they stand for. Once they've screwed everything up, clear heads might go to the next general election and actually do something wise

A K Haart said...

Bucko - the prospect of five years bothers me, they don't seem capable of backing off quickly enough but maybe events will change that.

Bucko said...

Events, reality, riots? Maybe