
Friday 5 July 2024




Tammly said...

Not one of the five wind turbines that I can see from my bathroom window was turning this morning. The new Lab Government is heading for Net Zero pell mell. I think it's an omen!

Sam Vega said...

We had a Green Party candidate present their thoughts at our local hustings. They were held at my wife's cathedral across the road, so we attended, along with our daughter.

I thought the Greenie was a woman: blue hair, chubby feminine body. But my family pointed out that it was a non-binary person. He began his speech by wishing us all "Eid Mubarack". His best policy idea was what to do with all the undocumented "refugees" in our city. (There are huge crowds of surly or boisterous young African men all along the sea-front; they live in big hotels). They should, he said, be given paid work in the social care sector until their asylum application is processed.

Scrobs. said...

How many heat pumps and windmills are needed to keep the trains running?

A K Haart said...

Tammly - it's an omen of it all coming to a halt and nobody knows what to do apart from hard-nosed criminals.

Sam - it's almost impossible to imagine how disconnected a person has to be to suggest giving those people paid work in the social care sector. They seem to be on another planet, but unfortunately it isn't Mars.

Scrobs - it will be quicker to cycle, which is probably the plan.

Anonymous said...

I understand that the premise of HG Wells's story, "The Time Machine", had the Morlocks working underground, in the dark, to keep the Eloi in comfort. That's the theory of the Water Melons (green on the outside, and red on the inside) for their paradise. The problem is, when the sun doesn't shine, and the wind doesn't blow, who will be The Morlocks and who will be The Eloi?

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - Green Eloi seem to think that when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow, Morlocks will still know what to do if they have enough subsidies. What they don't seem to realise is that subsidies don't make the sun shine or the wind blow, they just make the Morlocks richer.