
Wednesday 24 July 2024

Soap Opera

Lee Anderson leads calls to scrap licence fee as Gary Lineker tops BBC salary list again

Lee Anderson led calls for the licence fee to be scrapped after Gary Lineker topped the list of the BBC's highest-paid stars for a seventh year running.

The Match of the Day presenter was the corporation's top earner with a salary between £1,350,000 and £1,354,999 last year.

BBC licence fee crisis as half a million UK households ditch it in blow for broadcaster

The BBC's grip on household finances appears to be weakening, with reports indicating that around half a million homes snubbed the licence fee last year.

The Guardian has reported that the number of households paying the £169.50 fee dropped to 23.9 million, suggesting an increasing number of people feel they can do without BBC services.


Sam Vega said...

That half a million is lost income, but surely the BBC could recruit more license fee payers from among the far larger numbers who migrate here every year. After all, they've done so much to promote high levels of immigration. Lineker is already doing sterling work with his pro-Gaza and pro-immigration midwittery, but I suggest that him wearing a keffiyeh would be the next step.

A K Haart said...

Sam - that's a good point, are we to assume that those who migrate here hardly ever bother with a TV licence?