
Tuesday 9 July 2024


Keir Starmer praises Diane Abbott and hails diverse Commons in first speech to parliament

Sir Keir said his first words at the despatch box as prime minister, having secured the keys to No 10 Downing Street after last Thursday’s general election.

He said: “Mr Speaker-elect you preside over a new parliament, the most diverse parliament by race and gender this country has ever seen.

“And I’m proud of the part that my party has played, proud of the part that every party has played in that.

Begin as you mean to continue, that's the bureaucratic spirit. Careful, empty twaddle anyone may interpret as they choose. Or just leave Hansard to file it.

As an aside, it's interesting how empty the word 'proud' has become. As in "proud to stock Izal Germicide" or -

Joe Biden proud to be ‘first black woman to serve with a black president' in shock gaffe


Sam Vega said...

"He said: “Mr Speaker-elect you preside over a new parliament, the most diverse parliament by race and gender this country has ever seen."

Apparently only one in a thousand women has a penis, though, so with only 650 MPs it is unlikely that we have any of them. I'm not up to calculating the statistical odds, but I'm sure Patrick Valance could work it out.

The Jannie said...

Did he mention her sparkling intellect? What a debt we owe to those who voted for this gang of deadbeat nonentities.

A K Haart said...

Sam - it sounds like one of those counterintuitive stats where the odds are much higher than we might suppose. I don't think we'd want to check though.

Jannie - they were described as 'a minefield of imbeciles' on Australian Sky News. Also 'a combination of misfits'. Too kind in my view.

Scrobs. said...

Being 'proud' to be someone, like a pub bore explaining where he comes from, is a hackneyed statement, and regarded as hollow by the majority of citizens!

I'd prefer to watch the 'Proud to be stout' sketch on NTNOCN! At least that is very funny! (sound only, but there is a watchable one somewhere...)

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - ha ha, it's worth going on a trawl for NTNOCN clips.

Doonhamer said...

The dick count might be debateable. But not many testicles that is for sure, even discounting the ladies.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - and probably an odd number of testicles.

dearieme said...

Hang on. It's the Conservatives (or, earlier, Tories) who have elected three women party leaders, and three ethnic minority party leaders.

Labour hasn't even managed to elect an Irish leader.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - yes, Labour has been remarkably narrow when it comes to choosing a leader, much more conservative than the Conservatives. A strange party which has never been what it claimed to be.