
Thursday 4 July 2024

Even Democrats must know that

Trump claims Biden is quitting election - and calls vice president 'pathetic'

Donald Trump has claimed Joe Biden is quitting the presidential race after his poor performance in last week's debate and criticised vice president Kamala Harris as "so f*****g bad".

It's why she's there and why a combination of extrajudicial ploys and crude propaganda have been used in attempts to stymie Trump.


DiscoveredJoys said...

There are still Americans that would vote for a frail Biden because it is still a vote for the Democratic party.

I don't think they have thought the consequences through.

A K Haart said...

DJ - I'm sure they haven't thought the consequences. It's odd that anyone would align themselves with such an obviously frail Biden as there must be at least some faint suspicion that his supporters can't be 100% either.

Sam Vega said...

The whole election there seems to show that this form of democracy has had its day. Biden, Harris, or Trump could be elected with little change other than the messages the President puts out. They are going to the polls to decide on what style of Tweets they want for the next four years.

BigJymn said...

Regardless how you feel about Kamala; she has been a real trailblazer in American politics; and deserves to be respected for her accomplishments. Such as;
First FEMALE vice-president;
First BLACK female vice-president;
First Female president;
First female president to be assassinated in office.(Arkancided)

A K Haart said...

Sam - that seems to be it. A change of style not direction. Different presenters with slightly different scripts and a change of emphasis in the presentation, but that's it.

BJ - Kamala ticks all the right boxes apart from being called Hillary Clinton. I've seen suggestions that Hillary may replace Biden, but that still leaves a Kamala problem.