
Saturday 27 July 2024

The Olympics TV Show

Paris Olympics opening ceremony has best TV audience figures since London 2012
The opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics on Friday has attracted more BBC viewers than the last two games, figures show.

About 6.8 million people watched the coverage on BBC One, between 5.45pm and 10.40pm, as Canadian singer Celine Dion performed French singer Edith Piaf’s L’Hymne A L’Amour at the Eiffel Tower.

I don’t watch TV at all and don’t miss it. I used to watch the Olympics, but it’s become more of a global TV show than a sporting event. It’s also about money, politics and sport of course, but the look and feel of it is TV show.

 In gold medal position – it’s the global TV show.

In silver medal position – it’s the money and politics show.

In bronze* medal position – it’s a sporting event.

* There may be some question about the bronze award.


Sam Vega said...

A lot of comment on X and also mainstream media about the allegedly anti-Christian and even Satanic nature of the opening ceremony. Drag queens parodying the last supper, etc.

I'm sure most Christians have more important things to worry about, but it does make you wonder why even the French go in for this sort of nonsense. And we know now where the bar is set for religious equality. In 2028, who is going to play Mohammed (pbuh), and who is going to play the pig?

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes I saw some references to that. Defined the overall standard as dumbed-down TV show I thought. It set a few ideas rumbling around in the way it links to the dumbed-down language of climate change, sustainability and gender politics. The language of global culture is not going to be erudite language.

DiscoveredJoys said...

If the Olympic Games were primarily about sporting events then the athletes would turn up, do their thing, and go away.

But the Olympic Games (along with other 'events' like the Eurovision Song Contest) has been seized upon as a diversion for the general population. Perhaps the modern equivalent of the 'circus' of the original 'bread and circuses'?

A K Haart said...

DJ - I agree, it's a circus, part of the modern equivalent of bread and circuses, the World Cup is another. Probably quite a number of them if we add them up.

Tony F said...

I stopped watching TV years ago, I don't miss it one jot. As for the Olympics, it lost its basic ethos when 'professional' sports(?) people were allowed to compete. Where are the Eddie The Eagles? Where are the people who were there to represent their countries even though they had no hope of winning, but at least, they took part... They were HEROS to some kids and their parents who had no chance in life. Now we have paid for mediocrity.

Cheers! Tony F

A K Haart said...

Tony - I agree, professional sport did destroy its basic ethos. Apart from the glitzy circus aspect, it takes ordinary people further away from just playing sport for enjoyment, maybe at local club level or just casually.