
Friday 12 July 2024

Some things, doubted by most of the world

Approval of new UK coal mine was an 'error of law', new government says

The coking coal mine in West Cumbria was approved under the last government in 2022 by Michael Gove - but the Labour government said it won't defend the plans when a legal challenge is heard in the High Court next week.

The decision to approve a new coal mine in West Cumbria was made unlawfully, the UK's new government has admitted, as the carbon emissions from eventually burning the coal should have been taken into account.

Some things, doubted by most of the world, are for these people true and beyond argument; this certainty of theirs gives them a kind of stamp, as though they lived so much in their imagination as to have very little assurance as to what is fact and what fiction.

Hugh Walpole - All Souls' Night (1933)


Doonhamer said...

A leading nation of the World and we cannot make our own steel, aluminium, glass, cement, paper, nor many of the things made with these.
We are a theme park with a tiny corner devoted to manipulating money.

Sam Vega said...

Treating like for like, I bet it won't be an "error of law" when we import the energy we need from a more expensive and polluting foreign competitor.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - yet there are plenty of people who like making and mending things, but those who don't seem to be attracted to politics.

Sam - yes, that's the point, it doesn't even hang together if their demented assumptions are accepted.

dearieme said...

It's coking coal. Since the last blast furnaces in the country are apparently about to close, the coal would have to be for export. The CO2 accounts should then place the debit on the company/country that buys the coal.

I rest my case.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - good point, maybe we shouldn't really export anything with a carbon footprint for a similar reason.

johnd said...

I lived in the Whitehaven area for 30 years.Knowing the locals, I don't think they will be best pleased at losing their one chance of getting a decent job,there being no other real employer than Sellafield.Still, they did vote Labour at the election.

A K Haart said...

John - yes, ordinary working people who vote Labour are not voting in their own interests. As they may yet discover unfortunately.