
Tuesday 16 July 2024


We met relatives for a pub lunch today. The pub is only a 30 minute drive from where we are, but not being pub people we haven’t visited it for a few years. At that time it was very busy but with rather tired décor and scruffy menus. Food was okay at best.

Today the pub had obviously been refurbished. Smarter, better menus and slick service. Pub food but a good choice, well cooked and the service was good. A significant improvement on a few years ago.

For some reason the roads there and back were worse than a few years ago. They hadn’t been refurbished.


Sam Vega said...

I'm sure I've seen or heard of a pub called the Roadmenders Arms. Navvies carting buckets of tarmac and wrestling carts of gravel wouldn't have bothered about fancy decor, providing the ale was cold.

Scrobs. said...

I have such a lunch tomorrow, where I'm meeting old school friends and colleagues from the 1960s!

The last couple of times we've been to the pub, the food was excellent, so fingers crossed for the reunion...

A K Haart said...

Sam - I think navvies carting buckets of tarmac are still fixing some of the potholes round here, but only after a protracted visit to the Roadmenders Arms.

Scrobs - weather forecast is okay so you might manage a tincture in the sunshine and raise a glass to the 1960s. Crikey it's a long time ago though.

Nessimmersion said...

I'll hazard a guess that the local council is not involved with the pub ( only occasionally trying to shut it down or impair functioning business)
OTOH, wonder what would happen of local businesses were given the council roads budget to manage.

A K Haart said...

Nessimmersion - the irony is that road maintenance ought to be competitive in that local councils can make it competitive via competitive quotes, but too often they don't seem to be any good at that. We see repaired potholes which are breaking up already.

Peter MacFarlane said...

Oh it’s competitive tendering all right; it’s just that the competition isn’t about how well you can mend roads or how competitive your prices are. It’s about your DEI score and how much you waffle on about climate change etc.

A K Haart said...

Peter - I'm sure you are right. Tick the DEI boxes and you are in with a chance, otherwise forget it.

Dave Ward said...

Of course the roads are worse - it's thanks to people like you who insist on driving 30 minutes to a pub, instead of walking to your "local"...

I am, of course, being sarcastic! I'm just as guilty by driving to Derbyshire to enjoy the scenery, and the Midlands and Lincolnshire to visit industrial & aviation museums. After all, being able to use the roads is what we pay our (extortionate) taxes for. Now wouldn't it be nice if some of that taxation was spent on repairs and improvements which lasted more than 6 months...

A K Haart said...

Dave - yes, it's not as if we aren't paying through the nose for roads. If we are going to drive less then we should receive a Net Zero dividend each year (looks up to check for flying porkers).