
Tuesday 25 June 2024


Keir Starmer addresses stinging England criticism after woeful Euros start

Labour leader Keir Starmer has urged fans to "get behind" the England squad amid criticism from veteran players of their recent performances.

Mr Starmer was asked by broadcaster Talk whether he agreed with criticisms made by Gary Lineker and Alan Shearer, among others. The pundits were critical of England's underwhelming 1-0 win against Serbia and 1-1 draw against Denmark.

Hmm - Starmer is a Taylor Swift fan and a football supporter. They all do this kind of thing, and this is merely a personal view, but a degree of serious-minded aloofness in our political leaders would be most welcome.

Yes Starmer has Angela Rayner at his back. Yes he has MPs and party loyalists who still don't see Jeremy Corbyn as an idiot. Yes it is not excessively unkind to describe his shadow cabinet as a rabble, but it should be fairly easy to rise above these things.


James Higham said...

He’s pretending to be his idea of populist.

dearieme said...

Well, said 'Sir' Kneel, what they should do is run in behind, want the ball more, and stick it into the back the net.

"Thank you", said interviewer Mike Smarm. "But what about the impact of the defense?" (Mr Smarm speaks sub-American and always misspells words like 'defence'.)

"Simple", said 'Sir' Kneel. "What they should do is prevent the opposition from running in behind, wanting the ball more, and sticking it into the back the net."

"And the midfield?" Smarm smarmed.

"They've got to dominate possession and create chances" our future PM replied. "With a midfield of Rice, Wharton, Foden, Bellingham, Palmer, Mainoo, and Alexander-Arnold they should manage that.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Hmmm. Overpaid professional technocratic manager who won't achieve anything in the real world supports overpaid professional players who also won't achieve anything on the pitch.

I detect a theme.

Sam Vega said...

Starmer does working class culture like Alec Douglas-Home. Far more comfortable around a mosque or a trannie march.

A K Haart said...

James - dipping his toe into the common pool.

dearieme - "Of course," added 'Sir' Kneel, "when England scored that point against Denmark they should have knocked in a few more before declaring, just to be sure."

DJ - maybe he hopes to establish a contrast between winning the election and England not winning anything.

Sam - or perhaps slightly more uncomfortable than Alec Douglas-Home. Starmer doesn't look comfortable in any situation.

dearieme said...

Alec Home had once been a good cricketer. Which I imagine means he was a sportsman of a much higher calibre than Mr Strimmer.

Isn't it said that he once looked at a long corridor in Buckingham Palace and mused "Will it take spin?"

Scrobs. said...

I've never understood why people watch darts on TV...

Is it something like St Vitus' Dance with lager?

A K Haart said...

dearieme - Alec Home always struck me as honest, seemed odd for a politician.

Scrobs - as I grow older I'm beginning to wonder why people watch anything on TV. There are always better things to do, read a book, fix something, gardening and so on.

dearieme said...

From the Z man:

Thirty years of selecting for people good at enjoying the fruits of victory [in the Cold War] has left the managerial class in the West stocked with obsequious, narrow-minded dullards.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - he's not wrong. Soft living I suppose.

Anonymous said...

I understand that none of the England football squad will be voting in the GE, as they can't find a box, let alone put a cross in it.I
Coat obtained.

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - ha ha - very good.