
Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunshine and blue sky

A fine morning here in our little bit of Derbyshire. Sunshine and blue sky so we plan to tootle off in the MX5 in search of Shangri-La. 

Or failing that, coffee in Matlock.


Sam Vega said...

Same here on the South Coast. Two dog walks done so far. I could have got coffee then, but they tend to twirl about and knock it over.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Do be careful - good weather is 'proof' of Global Warming. Also bad weather is 'proof' of Global Warming.

I wish the alarmists would make their minds up. Not so long ago 'weather' was dismissed as a meaningful sign of Global Warming; now it is used at every opportunity.

Have a nice drive out while the Powers That Be still allow such things.

The Jannie said...

"coffee in Matlock"

Good luck with that on a sunny Sunday if you manage to find somewhere to park. Then there's getting there, with most of the bikers in Manchester making for there past the flocks of revenue cameras specially set up for the occasion.

James Higham said...

Shangri Matlock. Bliss.

Peter MacFarlane said...

Enjoy! We had our sunshine yesterday. Sat out in the garden till sunset (10pm or so) with a nice bottle of Sicilian Grillo.

As they say up here after every fine day, "That'll have been our summer".

Dull, grey and cold today - highest temperature forecast for next week is 12C, and that only briefly. No doubt gorbal worming is to blame.

A K Haart said...

Sam - two dog walks without coffee? I'm not sure if I could manage that.

DJ - one reason why we nip out on a fine day is the "do it while you can" principle. The PTB may not allow it forever. Unless we travel by private jet of course.

Jannie - we don't usually go there on a sunny Sunday, but if we do we go early enough to avoid the crowds, although it wasn't too busy today. Matlock Bath may have been busier though.

James - pleasant enough to be counted as bliss in these dismal times.

Peter - blimey, 12C is rather cool for June, although the forecast here is for a maximum of 13C on Wednesday.