
Saturday 29 June 2024

Don't mention the Post Office

Ed Davey: Lib Dems are winning back trust after 2010 U-turn on pledge to scrap tuition fees

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey has said he believes his party is winning trust back after U-turning on its pledge to abolish tuition fees in 2010.

During his Panorama interview on BBC One on Friday night, Davey was asked by presenter Nick Robinson why voters angry at austerity and student fees - which were trebled under the coalition government of which he was part - should trust him...

“One of the problems in modern politics actually is, if you are, say something outrageous, you get covered. When you say something that’s sensible and reasonable, that actually has a solution for people’s problems, you don’t get covered.”

It's hard to disagree with Ed's observation in that last paragraph. The outrageous things he says about climate change do get him covered by the media. Ed 's political antennae are twitching in the right direction there.

He's also sound on politicians not getting covered when they say something that’s sensible and reasonable, that actually has a solution for people’s problems. Spot on again, avoiding sensible and reasonable is a core Lib Dem strategy which clearly helps them retain a presence in the House of Commons.

Ed Davey is certainly the right leader for the Lib Dems - it's a no-brainer. 


Sam Vega said...

Orwell had the image of a boot stamping on a human face for ever, as an emblem of repressive tyranny. I have in mind a vision of a bloke endlessly falling off a paddleboard, but I'm not sure what type of ideology it signifies....

A K Haart said...

Sam - surely a bloke endlessly falling off a paddleboard signifies Lib Dem ideology. Looking like a slightly untidy geography teacher signifies it too. That's why Anneliese Dodds is so clearly in the wrong party - she's a Lib Dem if ever there was one.