
Monday 17 June 2024

Hopeful actors working for the brand


Our Labour party election leaflet shoved through the letterbox this morning together with a more interesting ad for frozen food offers. Candidate details are inside. 

It reminds us of something important about the Labour party when our local candidate is prepared to take a distant second place to a particularly uncharismatic party leader who is hardly likely to have any interest in the constituency. Hopeful actors working for the brand. 


Woodsy42 said...

We have been getting some leaflets for local and general election. It's notable how the Conservative candidates are avoiding party info and hiding their party affiliations in very small print on the back page.

James Higham said...

It’s all too depressing.

microdave said...

The Liebour leaflet went straight in the recycling bin - I'm not wasting my time by even glancing through it...

A K Haart said...

Woodsy - we've seen that, I hope it's a trend because we need to vote for more than a brand.

James - it is, and often difficult to know what to say about it.

Dave - I binned ours too, but I thought relegating the candidate to the inside was significant.

dearieme said...

A couple of friends went to a Rishi event today. Came across as charming, articulate, intelligent.

Which is all very well but how about policies? A decade and more of destructive policies is impossible to excuse.

Question: would you rather have a pint of lemonade with Rishi or two or three snorters with Keith Strimmer?

Answer: I think the prolier-than-thou boasting of KS would be hard to tolerate. But I suppose he could be quizzed on why the Savile files and the Post Office files proved to be none of his business. Could I cope with trying to determine how wedded to lawyerly lies he is?

Dunno. It all depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - even through the fog of politics Rishi comes across as likely to be charming, articulate and intelligent. I'd have a pint of lemonade with him but wouldn't care to chat with Starmer. He comes across to me as a particularly dishonest advocate wedded to systems where there is always another stable door to be closed, always another dishonest argument to put forward. He seems a little mad to me.

Anonymous said...

By now, almost everyone in the country knows that Starmer's father was a tool maker, because Starmer keeps telling us. Also, by now, almost everyone in the country knows of one particular tool he made.

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - ha ha, and still nobody knows what it's for. I'm almost surprised he keeps pushing that line, but maybe nobody explained the joke to him.