
Saturday 15 June 2024

When it's all too obvious

We know this but it's worth a reminder, immigration has made Tory lies too obvious. Also a reminder that the polls suggest a possible landslide for Carry On Lying. 


Sam Vega said...

Goodwin is excellent. (A pity that his articles on Substack are mainly on subscription, but there we are.

As for the continuity liars, Starmer has promised to "smash the gangs". As someone said, that's like hearing a 5-year old in a cowboy suit say he's going to "kill the baddies". There is no chance that our useless civil service and plod could prevail against international criminals who are making money out of what they do.

More importantly, it's a side-show. He will keep on increasing the numbers who come with visas. And because he is so deeply reliant on the Muslim vote, I expect we will soon be welcoming large numbers of Gazans.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I don't bother much with Substack because of the subscriptions. Too limiting for browsing. Yes Starmer seems likely to push more of the same onto us until things are so bad that even Labour voters notice.