
Monday 24 June 2024

A bleak assessment

INEOS chairman and CEO Jim Ratcliffe illustrates the failure of our governing class. What he says here is obvious enough - we don't have the right people in government. He phrases things carefully, but it's a bleak assessment.



Sam Vega said...

All sensible stuff, apart from his view that Starmer is decent and intelligent.

He said, quite rightly, that Starmer will need to make some unpopular decisions over population growth and immigration. If we were all that intelligent, he wouldn't have ratcheted himself into the top job by becoming indebted to mullahs, scroungers, trannies, climate nuts, and the armies of state employees who service their needs. Nor would he have promised everyone everything when there's no money to pay for it. There is going to be a big falling-out before long.

It occurs to me, though, that Starmer might actually be some kind of kamikaze premier. His aim is to get into power and hold the coalition of the clowns together just long enough to trash the constitution. Votes for 16 year olds and EU residents; amnesty for illegal immigrants and further relaxation of the border controls; strengthening of the Supreme Court and the setting up of numerous new vested interests. If he can manage all that, he can weather the unpopularity, retire after five years, and leave his successors a wasteland in which to indulge their fantasies.

Doonhamer said...

Jim Ratcliffe, Billionaire.
Not Jim Ratcliffe, successful businessman, employer of thousands of people - many very skilled, and a big investor of his own dosh in the UK. And he goes to pubs.
That heading itself is a symptom, or a cause, of what is wrong in the UK.
And he uses simple language, not managers' or politicians' circumlocutory, arse covering, word salad.

microdave said...

He's old enough to know that Liebor will be even worse, so why is he now supporting them?

A K Haart said...

Sam - Starmer certainly gives the impression of working for a cause which isn't the Labour party. He's taken on a tough job though. As you say, there is going to be a big falling-out before long. That's his risk, the falling-out becomes very bad very quickly and nothing is done, which ironically could be the best outcome.

Doonhamer - yes, the headline is very misleading, but he is worth a listen. I particularly like his observation about not having the infrastructure for mass immigration. We know it but he's a public figure pointing it out in a way nobody could misunderstand.

Dave - I assume he doesn't want to fall out with the Labour party this early in the game and wants his voice to have some chance of being heard.

dearieme said...

"He's old enough to know that Liebor will be even worse, so why is he now supporting them?"

Because he wants to suck up to the new government in hopes of harvesting taxpayers' cash for Manchester Utd and, for all I know, other projects.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - yes he's playing their game, as so many do.