
Saturday 1 June 2024

Trying to plant the same tree


Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has pledged cash to towns, while Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has said “wealth creation” is his top priority as the General Election campaign enters its second weekend.

The tree they are both trying to plant is of course the Magic Money Tree. Enid Blyton had a similar idea, maybe that's the original source. Meanwhile, the zero carbon caper seems to have been defenestrated for the duration.

After being cleared of an investigation by Greater Manchester Police and HMRC, Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner is ready to “power up” as she unveils the Labour battle bus on Saturday.

Sir Keir and shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves will join Ms Rayner as she sets off on a 5,000-mile journey to battleground seats across the country.


DiscoveredJoys said...

I wonder if the Labour Battle Bus will be properly insured, taxed, and MOT'd? And driven by people licensed for the activity?

Asking for a friend.

decnine said...

If Starmer really is committed to wealth creation, Net Zero has to go. It is the biggest, most sustained attack on productivity in history; compulsory 'investment' in old technologies that generate less energy and cost a lot more than less old technology. Should I be worried that Starmer wants people to be 'free' to make money? He hasn't said anything about freedom to keep that money.

Sam Vega said...

Even the BBC were pointing out that Starmer had boxed himself in with his promises of no tax increases. He has to grow that money tree, or he can't pay for all those nice things he has promised in the manifesto.

Technically, he is currently talking about an imaginary money tree. It only becomes a magic tree when his plan fails and he still has to pay for stuff. He is quite rational in this: the first policy to be junked was net zero, closely followed by hid admission that he won't be able to immediately process the asylum claims for years.

A K Haart said...

DJ - I hope so and I hope it follows every single Highway Code rule. I've not seen much coverage of where the bus was made. Bing AI assures me it is an electric bus made in China.

decnine - I agree, voting for a party which does not promise to ditch Net Zero is absurd. Unfortunately it looks as if we'll end up with another government with no interest in doing anything for the voters who put them there.

Sam - I assume he'll leave income tax thresholds frozen, so that will be a significant tax increase each year, but could also give him a popularity problem. I think he is capable of dumping Net Zero if that's a way to cling on, but the screeching ones won't like it.

Anonymous said...

Yet locally there seems to have been a lot of tree felling lately. I am curious to know why, but also hoping the wood is being put to good use as had happened after the big storms in southern England in the 1980s.

A K Haart said...

Anon - we see a lot too. Some of it seems to be thinning or cutting back roadside trees to reduce fallen leaves in autumn, or along canal banks for similar reasons. I don't know where it all goes though.