
Thursday 27 June 2024

Stares into camera like it's your fault

Live presidential debate will expose an ageing Biden while lack of audience could stump Trump

Joe Biden's age is written on his resting face, the one that stares into camera like it's your fault.

It's the look of his 81 years and it doesn't look great on a debate stage - more ready for bed than for a second term.

It's more than that and it has been obvious for years.


James Higham said...

Plus the rampant cheating, from turning off mics to orange-ising the screen to substances on the places Trump will touch, to earphones, to drugs, to CNN itself … it just goes on and on.

DiscoveredJoys said...

The risk posed by a senile man, disposed to spontaneous rages, and in charge of the nuclear launch codes... nothing to see here, move on.

A K Haart said...

James - yes it's a long and disgraceful list.

DJ - and we don't even know if those pulling his strings are sane.

Sam Vega said...

A man of that age performing to the standards expected of the President would be very surprising. Not impossible, I guess, but extremely rare. And to know that we would need evidence of him being mentally alert and sharp and motivated, more often than not. Apparently, there are concerns that he will be given performance-enhancing drugs in advance of the debate.

There is also the point about dodgy editing. I first became aware of this when the BBC were covering Trump, and now it's fairly obvious that when Biden looks blank or wanders off, he sometimes is attending to something else which is being edited out by those who want to discredit him.

But overall, there's no doubt that he is a hollow shell of a man, completely incapable of performing his role - because otherwise, he and his handlers would actively seek out opportunities to show his extraordinary youthfulness.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes we need to be aware of potential editing but he is clearly a hollow shell of a man. There are easily enough clues to tell us that.

Because of his VP stint, he was always an obvious stooge even though his decline must have been clear enough to some at least, although in Harris they have another stooge anyway.

johnd said...

I am 5 years older than Biden and am still in full charge of my mental faculties.There is no way that I would contemplate running for any office that demands such a heavy commitment as running a nation.

A K Haart said...

John - I'm younger than Biden and I wouldn't contemplate it. Biden didn't know his limitations but everyone else probably did.