
Friday 28 June 2024

A slow motion car crash

'Unmitigated disaster' for Biden in TV debate with Trump - as he faces calls from Democrats to step aside

After the debate, political figures and commentators broached the idea of replacing Joe Biden as the presidential nominee - with some Democrats describing his debate performance as an "unmitigated disaster", "a meltdown", and "a slow motion car crash".

It wasn't a slow motion car crash to anyone paying attention, Biden's inadequacy has been obvious for years. Anyone who chose to could have checked his earlier speeches and noted a marked difference.

Of course it's the usual problem, those in power won't admit the most obvious failure until a bigger and more threatening failure looms over them. Once that bigger failure looks personal, then they take note.

Biden isn't the main embarrassment, the poor old scrote, it's those behind him pulling the strings. Knowing those strings are being pulled by Scrote Central in a government we in the developed world are supposed to take seriously - that's embarrassing.


BigJymn said...

Biden was sabotaged by the DNC to make way for the CLINTON/OBAMA ticket.

Sam Vega said...

Indeed. If he had been injured, or got ill, and that impaired his cognitive ability, then even his political opponents would have wished him well. It's beyond embarrassing to have a senile old figurehead controlled by totally unelected people who operate behind the scenes. It's completely undemocratic and corrupt.

A K Haart said...

BJ - it looked like a possible set-up to me too.

Sam - yes it's undemocratic and corrupt, so corrupt that it adds weight to all kinds of accusations aimed at the current administration.

DiscoveredJoys said...

It would be telling if it were discovered that instead of Biden being jacked-up to perform (as in the State of the Union address) the puppeteers decided to send Biden out 'unenhanced' for the debate with Trump. Which might explain why the debate with Trump has appeared so early in the preparations for the next presidential election... the puppeteers need time to pick a new puppet.

A K Haart said...

DJ - yes it would be telling. Before the debate there were a few online comments about how early it was. It does feel like a set-up, a way to shift the problem to Biden's state of health and a narrative claiming that he was perfectly fine until recently.