
Friday 28 June 2024

He pursed his lips and smiled thinly

The only silver lining to Biden’s painful performance? US voters had already made up their minds

Several times, one saw Biden look across at Trump with pure, unmoderated hatred. “He didn’t do a damn thing,” he said in reference to Trump and 6 January. “Such a whiner, he is,” said Biden, the odd syntax removing the remarks from the context of a presidential debate to what felt like an honest and off-camera response. “Something snapped in you when you lost,” he said and it was an extraordinary moment, watching a man present Trump with a flat truth about himself. When Biden cracked a huge smile in response to the audaciousness of yet another Trump lie, the pathos was almost unbearable. There he was, fully himself for a moment, the man we recognise as a capable and charismatic leader.

Trump, in these moments of confrontation, pursed his lips and smiled thinly.

Blimey - he 'pursed his lips and smiled thinly'. It reads like a 1930s detective story, one of those lurid novels people bought from the station bookstall to read on a long railway journey. 

The only things missing are Biden's 'keen glance' or his 'intelligent appearance' or 'gentlemanly bearing'.

That's cheered me up no end. - I may even purse my lips and smile thinly. 'These people really are clowns' I'll mutter to myself with an evil leer.


The Jannie said...

I read a transcript of a CNN report earlier. It leaned so far left I was surprised my laptop didn't slide off my knee . . .

DiscoveredJoys said...

He pursed his lips and squirted custard out of the top of his hat...

Sam Vega said...

"There he was, fully himself for a moment, the man we recognise as a capable and charismatic leader."

There must be some sort of international prize for this type of journalism.

decnine said...

Or something else out of a quite different orifice.

A K Haart said...

Jannie - I'm surprised CNN is still going, maybe it shows the market is still there.

DJ - "Take that", he snarled, directing the custard towards his noble opponent who scornfully declined to step out of the way.

Sam - maybe be the Barbara Cartland Foundation Award.

decnine - they mute the sound when that happens.