
Saturday 29 June 2024

The fire of optimism

Starmer’s promise to voters: ‘I will relight the fire of optimism’ in Britain

Writing in the Observer, the Labour leader vows to restore the bond of trust with politics if his party wins Thursday’s general election

Keir Starmer pledges to “relight the fire” of optimism and hope among the British people – and rekindle their faith in politicians as public servants - if they come out in sufficient numbers and vote for a Labour government in Thursday’s general election.

Few people have the charisma to say this. Starmer isn't one of them.

Apart from that, relighting a fire in public surely demands a risk assessment. Starmer comes across as the kind of chap who would take that approach, after first setting up a supervisory agency to make sure all risks are duly calibrated, but not until the Supervisory Audit Commission issues its preliminary report to the Relighting Commission and its investigating experts from the Interdepartmental Rapid Response Team set up by the Active Leadership Coordination Executive in response to...

...I've forgotten what the post is about now.


Sam Vega said...

Things....can only get bitter...

DiscoveredJoys said...

I've forgotten what the post is about now.

And that is the whole point of Sir IKEA saying wonderful sounding things which have no substance. He cannot be held to blame in the future for not achieving those wonderful things - and it will be 'our fault' for letting him down.

Labour's manifesto - full of pretty things that will melt away to nothing, a candyfloss manifesto. If the reintegration with the EU and taxation of anything left to be taxed was explicit it would be a rat-on-a stick manifesto.

A K Haart said...

Sam - very bitter indeed unless something turns up.

DJ - and of course if Starmer becomes PM then his rat-on-a stick manifesto has to become much more explicit. Even the media may not be able to stand back from the fun of pointing out how the mess has become an even bigger mess. It will be Sunak's fault for a while, but that will wear thin.

Anonymous said...

After a Labour victory, I give it 6 months before Corbyn and Abbott, backed by Rayner and MacDonell, are back in the Party, and making their way to the front bench.

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - that's the silver lining, the likely infighting by by people who are too dim to use their HoC majority effectively. I hope so anyway.