
Friday 21 June 2024

A “punishment election” which isn't

Tories ‘held in contempt by the electorate’ as pressure mounts on Rishi Sunak over betting scandal

The Conservatives have been warned they are “held in contempt” by voters as Rishi Sunak failed to deny cabinet ministers were among senior Tories to place bets on the date of the election.

As pressure mounts on the prime minister over the Downing Street betting scandal, Dominic Grieve, the former Tory attorney general, said the party was getting what “they deserve” after years of chaos.

Paul Scully, a former Tory minister, described it as a “punishment election” for the party, that the outcry over gambling allegations would exacerbate.

Hmm - "the electorate" is being somewhat discriminatory with its contempt here. A broader brush is indicated because we clearly need a “punishment election” for all the main parties. 

Unfortunately the polls suggest we are destined to see a "reward election" for a party which has done nothing whatever to deserve it. 

Oh well, coffee and dark chocolate are our rewards after what has been a pleasantly rewarding day here in sunny Derbyshire.


James Higham said...

Great minds think alike.

Scrobs. said...

It certainly will be a 'punishment election' here!

The Lib Dems will almost certainly take Tunbridge Wells, (not with my vote), but the Tory hasn't a chance!

A K Haart said...

James - it's just as well (:

Scrobs - oh dear, the Lib Dems seem to encapsulate the worst of everything, any fashionable idiocy and there they are hoovering it up before you can ask "which plonker thought of that?".