
Monday 10 June 2024

We don't need AI to translate that

Labour pledges to create 100,000 extra nursery places in schools

Labour will convert over 3,000 spare classrooms into nurseries, funding the works by ending the tax breaks enjoyed by private schools.

The plans were welcomed by the NAHT teaching union which said there is "certainly a clear logic in using free space in primary schools to expand nursery provision".

But its general secretary Paul Whiteman added: "Having the right space is one part of the picture, and it will be equally important that there is a strong focus on attracting more people into the early years workforce."

We don't need AI to translate that -

"Having the right space is one part of the picture, and it will be equally important that there is a strong focus on attracting more union members into the early years workforce."


Sam Vega said...

The earlier you can get the kids into the care of your union members, the more pressure you can exert through industrial action. It's the sort of pressure that threatens every workforce where there are significant numbers of women.

"Nice little economy you've got here, Keir (I know, I know, but bear with me...) Be a shame if anything happened to it..."

Scrobs. said...

All this 'free space' will be owned by the County Councils, and under their control - more Poll tax woes resulting!

Also, where are all the kids getting free breakfasts going to sit if there's a menagerie of three-year-olds capering around the place?

These pathetic'promises' are meaningless twaddle, offered up to a bored public which doesn't really care a monkeys' as they're all lies!

A K Haart said...

Sam - that's it, all kinds of possibilities such as nursery workers showing solidarity with junior doctors, teachers, jailed climate activists etc.

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - it is twaddle, nothing to do with the real problems at all, such as how these buildings are to be heated in winter when Net Zero fails.