
Wednesday 26 June 2024

What a loss

Angela Rayner among left-wing politicians forced to cancel Glastonbury appearances

Angela Rayner is among left-wing politicians who have been forced to cancel appearances at Glastonbury Festival due to the General Election.

The Labour deputy leader was due to take part in a panel about the next national ballot on the Left Field stage on Saturday.

But she pulled out after Rishi Sunak called the election months earlier than expected for July 4.

Surely a major setback for Glastonbury, losing a celebrity of that stature. I hope the whole event isn't cancelled as hordes of people demand their money back...

It doesn't work does it? 

The whole business is so ludicrous that it isn't even possible to be sarcastic.


Scrobs. said...

I guess Jon Snow won't be happy either!

From Growlergate to Glastonbury is fifteen fathoms,
From Glastonbury to Growlergate is twelve gallons,
From Abbottsbridge to Lymeswold is three cabbages,
From Lymeswold to Abbottsbridge is three shoes per foot...

God almighty, she's going to be Home Secretary next month!

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - at least an unhappy Jon Snow is a bonus.

Sam Vega said...

It's a shame. Glastonbury is a good foretaste of the home-counties shanty-towns that will spring up to accommodate the huge numbers of migrants Rayner has said we will get. Dirty, lawless, druggy, and with daft middle class kids thinking it's all great fun.

A K Haart said...

Sam - and what's the betting that those shanty-towns suddenly become our responsibility.

Bucko said...

That's wierd. I always thought Gladstonbury was a music festival

dearieme said...

I solved the issue of whom to vote for. I decided to identify as Pakistani, signed the form, and handed it to someone else to put the cross in the box.

Or so I shall say when they come to arrest me for voting the wrong way. "It wasn't me, guv, it was that naughty boy next door."

dearieme said...

My own scheme is that the shanty towns should be erected on Hampstead Heath.

A K Haart said...

Bucko - I'm never sure what it is, each year it becomes more mysterious.

dearieme - that's a good idea, put on mismatched slippers and play the confused pensioner dodge.

Maybe a shanty town on Hyde Park would attract official attention.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping she would be televised appearing with her group "The Ginger Growlers" singing her latest song, "CPT? No F*cking Way". My disappointment has no bounds.

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - it's a pity she didn't build a career that way instead of politics. Or anything else really.