
Thursday 13 June 2024

Corbyn Nails Starmer

Jeremy Corbyn says Sir Keir Starmer rewriting history over 2019 election

It comes after Sir Keir said the Conservatives have built a “Jeremy Corbyn-style manifesto” that will “load everything into the wheelbarrow” without explaining how to pay for it.

Speaking to the PA news agency on Thursday, Mr Corbyn accused Sir Keir of “double standards”.

He said: “Well, he never said that to me, at any time. And so I just think rewriting history is no help.”...

“He was part of the campaign. He and I spoke together at events and I find it actually quite sad.

“Get over it and get on with it. He was in the shadow cabinet, he was at the Clause 5 meeting. Both those meetings unanimously agreed the 2019 manifesto, and he was there.”

As many have said already, Starmer is likely to be worse than Corbyn. He supported Corbyn, agreed the 2019 manifesto, is likely to have a large majority if the polls are sound and is considerably more dishonest than Corbyn. Not an enticing prospect.


dearieme said...

Sir Kneel Shagger may, of course, be overthrown and replaced by a more explicit leftie. I dare say, though, he's stacked the Labour constituencies with his own supporters. But then Corbyn thought Shagger was a supporter.

Still, none of them are in much danger of assassination except Farage.

Sam Vega said...

Corbyn, but with the trained ability to dissemble and mislead. It's not looking good...

A K Haart said...

dearieme - yes, a large majority could be worse for Shagger than a small one. Plotters are bound to begin plotting even before he reaches the lectern outside No.10.

Sam - almost scary, especially given his likely cabinet.

James Higham said...

Maybe it’s just my mind but that heading around breakfast time … er … er …

A K Haart said...

James - for the sake of a nail...