
Thursday 13 June 2024

Net Zero Intelligence



Scrobs. said...

I still cannot understand wht tidal power isn't used for generation...

The cost of wind power is a disgrace - we all have to pay for it whether we like it or not, and I certainly wouldn't vote for it, so I hope Reform will achieve success on the issue!

DiscoveredJoys said...

From the article:

“We would be more ambitious than any other party when it comes to renewable energy, investing to ensure that our energy can come from wind and solar power. A secure energy supply and action on the climate crisis go hand in hand."

Since solar power and wind power are intermittent how are they going to provide power at night and when the wind doesn't blow (or blows too much to be safely used)?

And while I might agree that out tax system could do with a good overhaul I am against 'wealth taxes' on principle as they will lead to the break up of farms and businesses which are comparatively asset rich but cash poor.

decnine said...

"I still cannot understand wht tidal power isn't used for generation..."

Sea water is corrosive - very corrosive. And creatures are likely to encrust the stationary bits of the machines. And ex-creatures will be apt to dive into the mincers. And...

Sam Vega said...

Presumably, wind power could be made useful if it were localised - a smallholder having a turbine on their land, for example - and if the tasks you needed it for could be delayed and bunched so that they get done when the power flows. The same applies to solar hot water systems. I had an excellent system of sun-heated water augmenting a gas-powered storage tank. It would have been perfect for everyone if we all lived alone on remote islands and took a shower or ran the washing machine or did a bit of power-sawing when nature said we could.

Until then, though...

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - tidal power is very expensive with numerous technical problems and high maintenance costs. It's not impossible for it to work well enough in some locations because it already does, but the difficulties and costs are a barrier.

DJ - taxing wealth seems to be one of those doctrines where consequences are ignored by the faithful because it fits their particular jigsaw. Bonkers people who need to be consistently bonkers.

decnine - yes lots of problems and lots of expensive maintenance.

Sam - a friend of mine has a neighbour with simple solar water heating which works and a modern heat pump which doesn't work and isn't repairable. The important aspect for Greens seems to one size fits all rather than whatever works.

decnine said...

"important aspect for Greens seems to one size fits all rather than whatever works."

That's Socialism in a nutshell. One size must fit all, and I get to decide what size. We must reject 'works' as a useless revanchist mirage.

A K Haart said...

decnine - yes it's the big clue to the politics behind it all. Should be impossible to overlook, but millions do overlook it.

Scrobs. said...

I see, Decnine and AK... thank you!

Why not put a re-cleanable net up both sides then? More critters could be kept out then.

I need some more info so will change the world by discovering a solution, and won't stop until I fix the final bolt in the mechanism!

I'd rather see our taxes being spent on solutions, that wasting it on Indian rockets to the moon!