
Sunday 30 June 2024

A stubborn man

A brief discussion on whether the Democrats have an alternative to Joe Biden.


DiscoveredJoys said...

I wondered about Joe Biden's health. *If* he has dementia then there are typical progressions depending on individual circumstances. See

You could argue that Joe Biden was showing early signs of dementia even before he became President. That would mean he has probably already passed through 'Stage 1' and has entered 'Stage 2'. That means he could enter the final 'Stage 3' over the next couple of years. That is no basis for running a demanding job like the Presidency.

The Democrats need to be brave enough to persuade Joe to renounce his candidacy now or tell him that they will support the Republicans in removing him from office. I don't think they are brave enough, which means all will continue to suffer, including Joe Biden.

Scrobs. said...

I've always assumed that Biden's 'presidency' was fixed to that O'Bama could continue in a third term!

Do they wear grey suits to come and help the old idiot out of the Oval Office?

A K Haart said...

DJ - he seemed to be showing early signs of some kind of decline before the election, which seems to have continued, but not particularly rapidly. Whatever stage he's at now, it's as you say, not a basis for running a demanding job like the Presidency.

Scrobs - it has been said that Biden originally agreed to a deal where he'd be President in name, but because of his health, Obama era officials would run the show. It does fit in terms of what has been done.

Sam Vega said...

If he upset the Clintons, especially around the issue of Jeffrey Epstein, he definitely would die a rapid natural death or would take his own life.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes, if he names names he may shoot himself in the back of the head from a distance of ten feet.